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Month: April 2016
Stay Motivated!

Blog by Taylor P. Wouldn’t life be easier if you could stay in bed and do nothing all day? Everyday? Yeah, it would be easy, but would it be fulfilling? I understand, as an inventor, staying motivated could be hard. The invention process is not an easy one. So, how do successful inventors keep their
4 Tips To Help You Succeed In Your Own Way

Blog by Brandon Villano Repost from Addicted 2 Success What separates the truly accomplished go-getters of the world and the might have beens stuck in a pursuit? Loads of capital, smarts, good looks, connections, and talents are cool and all but they will drive you down a dark path without the right mindset to guide
Today is Go for Broke Day!

Today is Go for Broke Day! Are you a gambler? Then, today, is your day. It’s Go For Broke Day. Today is a day to put it all on the line, and take a chance. It might be money. Or, it can be a love relationship. Perhaps, it’s time to initiate a risky project, or