inventor process motivation

Stay Motivated!

Blog by Taylor P.

Wouldn’t life be easier if you could stay in bed and do nothing all day? Everyday? Yeah, it would be easy, but would it be fulfilling? I understand, as an inventor, staying motivated could be hard. The invention process is not an easy one. So, how do successful inventors keep their motivation? It’s different from inventor to inventor, but there are always some similarities.

Successful inventors (successful people in general) have the ability to focus on the bigger picture. When you’re trying to accomplish something, do you give up after the first bump in the road? Or do you keep going? If you avoid focusing on the difficulties of getting to your goal and just focus on the goal itself, the end result will be that much more gratifying. Focusing negative energy on the tasks at hand will only make you stray from your path.

If you enter into a goal with the outlook that you’re going to fail, well, you will. Being pessimistic about your goals, or the chances of your success, will only help you succeed in failing. Not being optimistic in your chances of succeeding will make you motivated to NOT do anything. This is called self-efficacy. Your self-efficacy determines whether or not you can stick to a difficult task until it’s completed or you give up. So, believe in yourself and keep trying. You only get what you put in, right?

Now, up until now, this whole post was centered around achieving your goal. Well, what if you don’t have a goal? If you don’t have a goal, or a vision, then how will you succeed in anything? The purpose of having goals is to challenge yourself. So, sit down and think about it. Think long and hard. You have to give yourself a realistic goal. It’s common to hear an inventor say, “I’m going to make MILLIONS of dollars with this idea!” but is it really going to happen? Unrealistic goals can actually UN-motivate you. So, sit down and think, think long and hard about what you can achieve and how to go about it.

Being an inventor can be pretty difficult. Keep moving toward your goal and stay optimistic. There’s a lot that goes into it so take one step at a time so you don’t get overwhelmed and feel hopeless. Only you have the ability to change the situation and you can do it with persistence. Start today by contacting Inventor Process, Inc.! Our team brings to the table decades of combined experience in invention development, patenting, marketing, and royalty negotiations.

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