Tip 17 – Do you need a patent? There’s a good chance you do. Blog By Edward Ayres I get asked this question all the time, “Is a patent important?” The short answer is yes. If you’re an independent inventor and you want to license your invention, aka get paid for it, a patent is
Month: February 2015
Tip of the Week: Tip #16 of 25
Tip 16 – “Patent Process” Blog By Edward Ayres It’s time to take your idea from drawing board to store shelves. What’s the first step? You need to protect your idea so it can be safely marketed. Most likely, you need a patent. A patent is an intellectual property right granted by the government to
Tip of the Week: Tip #15 of 25
Tip 15 – “Moving forward with your invention!” Blog By Edward Ayres You’ve done your homework. Your invention has been documented, researched and can be cost effectively manufactured. There’s a large target market and you’re confident your product has the Wow Factor necessary to get consumers to spend their money. You’ve set your goal and
Tip of the Week: Tip #14 of 25
Tip 14 – “Establish a Goal” Blog By Edward Ayres Anthony Robbins says, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” Often inventors jump feet first into the business of inventing. They know they need a patent and they want their product on store shelves, but they never truly establish