Tip 13 – Utilize Available Resources Blog By Kristen Ayres Over the past several weeks in our ongoing series “25 Tips on Inventing” we have covered many topics regarding the inventing process. This week we’ll discuss utilizing available resources when creating your invention and especially commercializing it. Available resources include the United States Patent and
Month: January 2015
Tip of the Week: Tip #12 of 25
Tip 12 – “Review & Revise” Blog By Kristen Ayres You’ve got the idea! It’s unique and has wow factor, and now you want to move forward with patenting and commercialization. I encourage you to do so, but before you invest time and money, spend time critically thinking about your invention. Just imagine your favorite
Tip of the Week: Tip #11 of 25
Tip 11 – A picture’s worth a thousand words Blog By IP Team “A picture is worth a thousand words” is something we’ve all heard throughout our lives. It’s why billboards and televisions ads aren’t just text and talking. The pictures and illustrations help to tell the story. They convey the point, and do so
Tip of the Week: Tip #10 of 25
Tip 10 – “Need to Know” Blog By Edward Ayres As a kid I would often pester my big brother and his friends. I would over hear them talking and instantly want to know what the conversation was all about. His normal answer was, “It’s need to know, and you don’t need to know.” That’s