Idea to Product: Tips to Get Your Invention on the Shelves

Idea to Product: Tips to Get Your Invention on the Shelves
Blog by Andy Campbell – KMZU-FM

The ‘Pet Rock:’ an idea that seemed crazy, yet made it on to the shelves of millions of retail stores across the country. Many people watch the As Seen on TV specials, wondering how someone is making money off of an idea so simple. Others have developed those same simple ideas, but never took action to make their brainchild a reality.

Most inventors get snagged in the early development stage. Too many questions are asked, like how do I make a licensing agreement, where can I obtain a patent or where do I even get started?

Co-founder and President of Inventor Process Edward Ayres, said too many people lose commitment to their ideas, making it impossible to see the product on the shelf one day. Like any other process, the road to a successful product is up and down, but Ayres said it all begins with the idea.

“You need to start with a good idea but then commitment is the key,” Ayres said. “While you do have to have a product that has merit, commitment is just as important because you’re going to have to beat down the doors of companies you want to sell your product to.”

Ayres explained, with an idea in place, the next step is to move forward with a plan of action.

“Do research,” Ayres said. “Find someone who can assist you because really there’s two ways to get a brand new product to the shelf of the market place. Way one is what I refer to as the, ‘do it yourself’ method … for the vast majority of inventors, that’s just unrealistic to consider. The second way is the way (Inventor Process) recommends, and that is for the inventor to pursue a licensing agreement for their invention.”

Ayres said by going the second route, a large company would lease the patent for the inventor, paying them a royalty for products sold. Once the patent is pending, it is time to start marketing and get the product known.

Unfortunately, most products are lost somewhere along the way, as inventors lose motivation to complete the process and see an idea through. Ayres said he has seen this too many times and the reasons differ from person to person.

“When they hear ‘no,’ it is a shock to the system,” Ayres said. “As I try to coach and educate my inventors … this isn’t going to be an overnight success most of the time. You’re going to have to stick to your guns, you’re going to have to fight through those ‘no’s,’ and it doesn’t matter if you hear ten people say no, you only need one to say yes.”

Ayres added encouragement for any person to write down any idea that comes to mind. Set it aside, revisit it later and establish whatever merit the idea could have. Then move forward in making an idea become a concept, then a plan, then a product and finally a success.

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3 thoughts on “Idea to Product: Tips to Get Your Invention on the Shelves

  1. 9163404088 I have an idia that I am sure will beneficial in helping prevent more of these terrible fire we are having in Ca. please get in touch with me. I don’t no who to turn to to get my idea started and on the market. Thank you John Sullivan

  2. I like that you mentioned that sometimes inventors lose motivation to complete the project. If someone was an inventor then they might want to make sure that they are doing whatever they can to finish their invention. It might be a good idea to find someone that is able to help you along the way if you are struggling.

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