Why Seek a Patent? Part 3

Why Seek a Patent?
Because if you don’t, someone else will before too long!

Why bother going through the time and cost of patenting your idea? The answer is simple, you should seek patent protection for your concept because if you don’t someone else eventually will. In the last two parts of this series we discussed how Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison patented products years after the products had been invented by other inventors. Their patent protection, however, helped them receive the credit and the place in history as the Inventor!

Fulton DID NOT Invent The Steamboat

Robert Fulton patented the steamboat in 1807, earning him a name almost as big as the bank account filled with the money he earned from this invention. victoryHowever, the steamboat was actually invented by John Fitch.

Fitch sailed his steamboat on the Delaware River carrying passengers and cargo back in 1785. Fitch never patented the idea, but Fulton did and received the money and the fame.

Check back soon for another example, you can follow Inventor Process on Twitter & Facebook!

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